Old Stone House

Preserving our past ... creating our future

Friday, November 27, 2009

Cleaning the Old Stone House

This week we are getting the Old Stone House ready for the Historical Tour of Homes.

That means cleaning it inside. Normally, a group of ten to twenty ladies from the Historical Society show up with buckets, rags, shop vacs and loads of energy. We usually clean it every spring when it's a little warmer. The bugs come in when it starts to get colder and die off in the winter. It's ready for a good cleaning by spring.

This year we had two days notice and three of us showed up. All with our heads covered, rags and buckets in hand. We also brought the new shop vac.
Jeff had a better idea. He proposed we use the Stihl leafblower and just blow out the bugs and dirt. NO NO NO!!!! We decided there were too many bugs! Instead, he used the industrial leaf blower (still a Stihl) to pick up the piles of bugs Keri and I swept. That worked very well.

Still, the Stihl wanted a better workout. Jeff was itching to try it out. And frankly, I wondered what would happen? There were still some bugs in the rugs. Dust everywhere (we re-pointed the exterior this fall and it created a ton of dust). What did we have to lose? Either way we had to clean it.

So we went ahead and did. (if you can't see the video below, try this link)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Decorations Going In

The Old Stone House is one of the featured homes on the Historical Tour of Homes for the Hollydazzle Celebration. (read about it here) .

That means we need to decorate for Christmas. The Geneva United Methodist Church Sunday School has agreed, gladly, to make the decorations and hang them.
The little ones made green and red chain rings and it was serious business! A little bit of glue was eaten, a lot was put on the tables and some even made it onto the construction paper!

The older kids made apple chains. We brought out the old fashioned apple peelers and the Pampered Chef ones too. They peeled long strips of apple that are drying - when Christmas is over, they come off the tree and go outside into the big trees to feed the birds.

We're stringing cranberries and popcorn this week too. A couple of us will go out and chop down some scrub cedar trees, put them in a bucket of sand and add water. The Old Stone House will smell like cedar! After the holidays, we can saw them into cedar pieces and put those pieces around the house and in drawers to keep things fresh.

Next Sunday, November 29th, the entire Sunday School will take the 2 mile trip to the Old Stone House and decorate. The Hampton Chronicle photographer will meet us out there and take pictures - we're going to be in the paper

It's exciting here in Franklin County Iowa. The kids are having a great time decorating and learning a little history along the way. They are also seeing practical ways they can recycle. The adults are thrilled to see their children so happy. We're making a difference!

You can make a difference too. Chip In. Help us restore the Old Stone House and create a living history home - that all can use.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Geothermal Lines Go In

Phase Two: installation of geothermal heating and air and comes at a cost of almost $25,000. It may seem pricy. However, yearly heating/air costs will amount to around $300. This also includes costs for upgrading the electrical system. Keeping a consistent temperature will keep out moisture and preserve the building for a long time.

We asked for bids from local Franklin County companies and one from Hardin County. We looked at the bids presented, the length of experience, the warranties offered and the contribution to the community each company offered. It was a hard decision - and based on all of the criteria we made a decision. Barnhardt Electric was selected to perform the work.

It is our hope that all of the geothermal can be installed before winter sets in. You'll see us in the community fund raising and we hope you'll contribute as well. Installing it this fall will help the mortar set better and allow us to have a warmer Historical Tour of Homes.

The first stage was installing the geothermal lines. I could write about it, however ... we got Joe Pitsor on video telling us how they did it and showing pictures! (if you can't see the video just go here)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hollydazzle Historic Tour of Homes

Do you remember as a kid driving around and looking at homes? Back in the 60's my folks would pile us into the car and we'd go for a ride. We'd drive by homes and maybe we knew them - so mom would tell us the story of the family. Maybe we didn't know them, and we'd make up our own stories! Once and awhile we'd stop and visit. Usually though, we would just drive around looking.

What if you could get on a bus, go visit 5 historical homes, get a full tour of each home, ask all the questions you want, eat and drink and maybe even have a glass of wine when it's all over?

Now you can.

Welcome to the Hollydazzle Historical Tour of Homes. We will be touring the Blum/Boehmler House in Hampton, The Harriman Nielsen House on the West edge of Hampton, Country Heritage Bed and Breakfast five miles West of Hampton, The Old Stone House on the way to Geneva and ending at Townsend Winery in Hansell. You will learn the history of each home, be able to ask all the questions you want, enjoy a light repast at several homes and receive a wine tasting at the Winery.

December 5: one to four p.m. or December 6: three to six p.m.

meet the bus by the park across from the Post Office. Or you can drive yourself if you like.

everyone is invited! There is a charge of $15 in advance or $20 the day of. Tickets can be purchased at the specialty shops downtown, the banks, at Center 1 or simply call Deb at 641-458-1114 and she'll arrange one to be sent to you! There will be a widget very soon at http://www.oldstonehouse.org/

This is a fundraiser with proceeds to be divided between the Old Stone House and the Harriman Neilsen House - both properties of the Franklin County Historical Society.

Can't come? Why not give a loved one a ticket for an early Christmas gift? Or purchase a ticket and lets us share it with a resident of one of the nursing homes?

Please come - you're supporting the Franklin County Historical Society and you'll also have the opportunity to enjoy a few of the county's historical homes!